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Welcome to Creative Outlet!

At Creative Outlet Art Studio, Artist Krista is ready to assist and challenge you to develop your craft. She is passionate about finding inspiration in a variety of media, including elements from nature or recycled materials as well as exploring the work of famous artist's. Krista will help you create unique pieces of art, that exude your personal flare! The art studio is full of supplies and project ideas waiting for you to try. So, come in and begin exploring your imagination and create a masterpiece to be proud of! Krista works with adults and children of all ages and skill levels. This studio is fully inclusive of all abilities, needs and levels of skill! 

Our Classes


Join a private lesson to learn a new medium or grow in one you already love. Follow a guided class for the project for the month or come in for help or inspiration to finish a piece you are already working on. 

  • Ages 3 - 5

  • Ages 5 - 8

  • Ages 8 -12

  • Ages 13+

  • Special Needs available on request

Boy in Art Class

Ages 3 - 5

Art is a calming exercise that can start to teach mindfulness. Artist Krista loves to inspire little minds to create little masterpieces that explore process art and teach how art can help us handle big emotions, develop vocabulary and fine motor skills.  

Art Class

Ages 5 - 8

Experimenting with new mediums and learning about different elements of art making are the prime focus for this group. Little artists will explore their creativity by adding texture, lines, patterns, movement, shape and colour theory to the art they make.

Art Students

Ages 8 - 12

Students will elaborate on the elements of design with more advancement in theories. They will learn to fine tune and add more depth and dimension to their art pieces. The focus will be on creating balance in their work with an emphasis on learning how art can be used as a tool to express emotions.

Buying Art Supplies

Ages 13+

Classes for adolescents and adults will focus on and adapt to individual art interests. Artist Krista will help guide individuals in their creativity and encourage growth in their unique style and media preference. The focus of this group will be on art theories and building stronger conceptual pieces. 


Special Needs

Creative Outlet, is fully inclusive, and encourages all that seek a creative outlet. Artist Krista works with students with various needs at in her work within the education sector and would love to further extend an invitation to our higher needs population by offering a safe and stimulating activity that will all artists in shine and grow. The focus of this group will be all about sensory friendly art. Students will create art that appeals to the senses and can be catered to each students capability. 

Our Services

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